Occupational injustice in the context of water crisis: the experience of the educational communities of Petorca
Educational communities, Adaptations, Water scarcity, Human Rights, Occupational injusticeAbstract
The purpose of this study is to know the educational reality of different schools in the County of Petorca, considering the educational adaptations that have been made, as a result of water scarcity. Through the notion of Occupational Justice and the Human Rights approach, the conditions in which these educational communities subsist are problematized.
The problems that give context to this situation are water shortages, and, on the other hand, an extractive development model that has given rise to numerous socio-environmental conflicts in different areas of the country.
The methodology used is qualitative, through the discursive analysis of different actors/actresses from schools in Petorca and a local authority in the area of education. Additionally, the rural character of the area is emphasized, considering a strong impact on professional technical education oriented to agricultural functions.
The results show the conditions under which these communities must work and the different adaptations they have made in order to continue developing their activities.
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